Sunday 23 November 2014

Ngong Hills of Nairobi

Ngong Hills, approx. 2460m above sea level, are located at the distance of 22Km southwest of the Nairobi metropolitan. The mountains range is consisted of 7 small hills and a knukle-shaped Ngong hill is the highest point. The mountain give a fantastic view of the Nairobi city on one side while the other view run deep into the horizons of Masai Mara valley.
The area is very popular among the local and visitors for picnic, worship and sightseeing. Top at the mountains you will experience strong chilly winds, lovely clouds running at the top of your head and spectacular scenery at both side. Windmills and telecommunication towers installed at the mountain peaks give a nice blend to the green lush environment. 
 View of the Nairobi City from the Mountain top
 Windmill hiding behind the trees
 Standing tall to face the WINDs 
 A dusty path leading the to Ngong Hills 
Panoramic view of Nairobi city from different angel
 New addition to the windmill family system
 The clouds are running fast to catch the Mountaineers 
 Standing alone at the TOP!
 Running back to the BASE camp
Getting Aspirations: Looking back to the distance covered
 Nairobi CITY view
 Looking from the TOP
A spectacular view running deep into the Masai Mara Valley 

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Legal Protest Vs Illegal MEANS

Pakistan is a very unique place on earth where peoples protest against political government with support and guidance of other “politicians” and destroy public service facilities by thinking that it will punish government to accept their demands. Our political history is full of these lively jokes and as a nation we embrace this kind of situation and called it “politics” and our own way of “freedom of expression and protest”.

This madness has no limit, no ideology, no political base, no religious affiliation and can be widely proved by situations aroused after death sentence of Zulfiqal Ali Bhutto, murder of Benazir Bhutto, arrest of Iltaf Hussain in London, publishing of blasphemous caricatures in Denmark, attack on Afghanistan, imposition of governor rule, national team defeat in cricket world cup semi-final and many more to count on.

Recently Tahir-ul-Qadri, Canadian-Pakistani National, along with his supporter arrived to Islamabad with the mission “to punish the government for its bad governance and lack of interest in public welfare”. But basically this mission was to relive our Pakistani definition of “Politics, freedoms of expression and protest”. The missions were planned to be completed by taking over national buildings, disrupting social life, damaging public properties and restricting access to economic well beings.   This mission has resulted violent clashes in the country capital resulting death of three “Pakistanis” through the hands of “Pakistani” while demanding rights for “Pakistani”.

Disgraceful episodes were staged by politicians and media to “discuss” the protest and start pointing responsibilities but with some vested business interest. But apart from this political and business game did we ever think about these protesting peoples with the notation of being Pakistani? No! Never!! As a matter of fact all these peoples dying in the shadow of politicians or political parties are never even consider as human being. They are “used” as tissue paper till it serves its purpose and goes back to the place from where it belongs.   

Yesterday Canadian-Pakistani national announced his retreat from the capital with promise of more “fun and drama” in every big city of Pakistan. Unfortunately we don’t have any system in the country to make him accountable for what he has done in the capital regardless of going into discussion of sitting government legitimacy. He should be trialed for loss of national income, restricting social life in the capital, damaging public property, reticulating national image and demise of “Pakistani” nationals.

This madness will be repeated now in all cities of Pakistan on the name of playing politics and exercising their right of assembly and speech. Is it not possible to define limits for the protest? Provide an equal space for the protesting population and those who wants to carry their ordinary life? Make political leaders accountable for every damage of public property? Bound the administration to provide an adequate security and movement plan for the marching peoples? Or should we wait for some “Aladdin” to take over the power and address all the issues at once.

Is not the time come to stop protesting through “illegal means” against “illegal regimes?”

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Goal Scoring Night @ UCL

Football is all about entertainment and tonight UEFA champions League contenders proved this statement with there amazing skills and thrilling finishes. A total of 8 matches were played and record 40 goals were scored by 13 teams while  Maribor, APOEL and BATE were unable to leave their marks on scoring sheets.

First time in life I was unable to keep track of every action from my favorite team (Of-course Barcelona) as Chelsea, Bayern Muchen and Shakhtar was constantly hitting oppositions nets.

Now the Groups E-H standings are very interesting after completion of tonight saga;

The next round on 4-5 November 2014 will give us more clear picture about who is going HOME ;)

Juba from Compound

The weather is very charming from past couple of days in Juba City as clouds are hovering at the western horizon refreshing the air with light rain. But all this "natural entertainment" come with a heavy price of "slow internet". South Sudan is using satellite internet facility in the city so whenever the clouds show up the signal drops to its base basically restricting office work to the minimum level. But the good news it bring is you can enjoy the environment ;)  

Monday 20 October 2014

Fresh Blood of "Hate and Lying"

We should be really thankful to Imran Khan for pumping young blood once stand still life of Pakistani politics. This new generation of workers and leaders bring a whole new definition to the "political activities" and structure. With the help of these young leaders now we are passing through a complete new age of transformation in which every citizen of the country is looking for "new Faces" and "new system" which can truly satisfied their demands and improve their current standard of life.

We can debate about how, what when and where of this new "political vision and transformation" but we can not have second opinion that this new transformation severely damaged our social and cultural values of patience, love, respect, politics for being politics once we were proud of.

Looking back into the "rude history" of Pakistan the country was widely divided on ethnicity and language lines but now we have added another line of politics which is far more rude, insulting and disgusting. This new activism has sharply divided the same group of peoples (Linguistically or ethnically) with sharp blade of hate and lie. Their is one simple logic exist "You are Revolutionary" or "You are Traitor, You are supporting status quo, You are with bloody old politicians, you are fool". For me this is far more dangerous than the extremism persuaded by Taliban.

We have to understand the logic of this world affairs, it is full of peoples and peoples are never ever supposed to be same in approach, physique, colors etc. The same understanding we have to observe in our political life. We should agree to disagree. Every person has the right to have difference in opinion and this should be widely accepted and appreciated rather than trolled away in the social media.

Fresh blood is very important to keep the political body warm and alive but at the same time need to be monitored regularly for any infections.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Honorable Buffalo and Cows

On a bright sunny day I was riding my bike and trying to make through the heavy traffic Traffic along the road leading to Baghdada. It was peak hours and many of the city dwellers were anxiously driving fast to escape the hot air breezing through the city. Air pollution and blitzing sun has prevailed low temper among the drivers and everyone was nervously blowing the horn to find their way. 

Suddenly everything comes to stand still!!!!

Crowd waited for 10 minutes but no movement was happening I tried to stand tall to get a glance whats happening in the front.? Why we stopped? any accident.? but was unable to see through the cars.

20 minutes later still no movement I get curious and start worrying about the long wait under mighty sunny afternoon.

I handed over bike to my friend and start walking to the front row to see what happened. 

When I reached I saw heart breaking scene. 

Two soldiers from "House of Might" was standing in guards position pointing their state own G3 rifle to the block traffic. Behind this protocol line Holy Cows and other sacrificial animals from the "House of Might" was crossing the Road in Queens pace.

Everyone from the traffic lines was amazed with the honor and respects their Lords Buffaloes and cows were receiving. The Queens walk continues to entertain the crowd for next 27minutes.

When the last cow in the parade enters the safe house of "Punjab Regiment Center" the guards on duty shouts “Pak Fuj Zindabad".  The whole crowd replied loudly "Zindabad" with love in their hearts and smile on their face. 

Guards signaled for the resumption of traffic and suddenly the whole areas echoes with loud horns to race down towards their destination.